Are you on a quest for linguistic fluency? Then let books be your best friends on this learning path! It’s often said that practice makes perfect, and in the world of polyglots, reading is the gold that makes talent shine. But why exactly? The answer lies in the fascinating depths of our brains.
Here’s a voyage through the neuroscience and psychology behind the benefits of reading.
When our eyes decipher the words of a novel in German, English or French, a whole neuronal symphony is played out in our heads. Each word, each sentence becomes a dance step for our neurons, which strengthen their links as we read. This not only improves our cerebral plasticity – our brain’s capacity to adapt and change – but also enhances our memory for words and sentence structures.
Word repetition and familiarization with complex turns of phrase do more than store information; they weave a web of knowledge, connecting new vocabulary to that which we already know. And it’s in Broca’s area, a small corner of our brain, that the magic happens: activated by reading, it helps us move from passive comprehension to active use of language.
Beyond the neurological aspect, there’s a more human and emotional side to reading. By immersing ourselves in stories, we live vicarious lives, and these experiences teach us much more than just language. We learn to feel the rhythm of the language, grasp its cultural nuances and develop a deeper understanding of the society that speaks it.
It’s this literary empathy that elevates our knowledge of language beyond grammatical rules. It gives us a context, a setting where words come alive and phrases sing with emotional resonance.
Never underestimate pleasure as a learning factor. When we read something that captivates us, our intrinsic motivation soars. We’re driven by curiosity, suspense, humor – and it’s this emotional thrust that can turn a study session into an exhilarating adventure. The more we enjoy reading, the more likely we are to stay engaged and continue our language journey.
In a world where language learning can sometimes seem overwhelming, reading offers sanctuary. It reduces anxiety and allows us to learn at our own pace, without the pressure of judgment. Each book becomes a private space where we can practice, wander and improve without fear.
Are you ready to boost your learning?
We’ve carefully put together a reading list for you, organized by level (A1 to B2) and by language (German, French, English), to ensure your continuous, effective improvement.
Einladung zum Essen, Termine, Sitten und Essgewohnheiten
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Die Geschichte der leidenschaftlichsten und durchtriebensten Großmutter aller Zeiten
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Tag Mystery In this Reader you will find: – information about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s life – a section focusing on background and context – a glossary of difficult words – comprehension activities – an exit test
Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel is an exciting and unmissable story and a classic of American literature. His name is Arthur Gordon Pym. He comes from Nantucket. Nantucket is a town in America, near the sea. People from Nantucket are often sailors. His grandfather is a lawyer. He’s famous and he’s very rich. Gordon Pym is very lucky. He is only eighteen years old, but he as a small boat. Its name is the Ariel. He often goes sailing on the Ariel, near Nantucket. He has a good education and a dream: he wants to go to sea. This is the story of his adventures at sea. He meets pirates, a ghost ship, and storms. He visits Kerguelen’s Land, Prince Edward’s Island and Tristan da Cunha before arriving in Antarctica.
A beautiful gift edition of this touching and wise classic children’s book, with the original translation by Katherine Woods and full-colour illustrations.
A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to see the most extraordinary little fellow standing before him. “Please,… asks the stranger, “draw me a sheep.…
And the pilot realises that when life’s events are too difficult to understand, there is no choice but to succumb to their mysteries. He pulls out a pencil and paper … and thus begins this wise and enchanting fable that, in teaching the secret of what is really important in life, has changed the world forever for its readers.
This stunning new edition of the classic children’s book The Little Prince, includes the classic English translation by Katherine Woods and original colour illustrations which will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.
Clay Jensen returns home to find a strange package with his name on it. Inside, he discovers several tapes recorded by Hannah Baker, his classmate and first love who committed suicide. Hannahs voice explains that there are thirteen reasons why she killed herself and Clay is one of them. If he listens to hell, find out why.
Richard Hannay is bored. He is all alone in a big city, and he wants something to happen, anything. One evening, when he gets back home, someone is waiting for him. This someone will leave him with a question, and Hannay must find an answer. His future, and indeed the future of the whole of Europe depends on it. The question is, what are the thirty-nine steps?
Three friends, George, Harris and J. decide they need a holiday and plan to go on a trip on the river. J. tells the story of that two-week trip. He includes funny stories from past trips and stories he has heard. He also gives us historical
and geographical information about the places they pass or stay in.
Late nineteenth-century London: a city of contrasts. Great wealth and terrible poverty, beauty and ugliness, purity and immorality. Oscar Wilde takes the reader into this strange and fascinating world through the strange story of the picture of Dorian Gray. Young, handsome and innocent, the aristocratic Dorian is visiting his friend, the kind and gentle painter Basil Hallward, when he meets Lord Henry Wotton. Entertaining and cynical, Lord Henry introduces Dorian to the idea of a world where the only value is beauty, and everything must serve this ideal. But how can Dorian survive ageing and ugliness? In front of his beautiful portrait, painted by Hallward, Dorian makes a terrible wish. This wish will come true, dragging Dorian into a world of the senses, of beauty and joy, but also of terror, of fear and ultimately of murder…
The stories of ten people who have changed the world: from protecting world peace and the rights of women and children to saving the environment.
It is possible to change the world and the stories of these ten people show it. Let’s read about the lives and work of ten special men and women who, despite many difficulties, have tried to make this world a better and fairer place for all of us to live in.
This novel is written by George Orwell in 1949 and set in 1984 London which is now the headquarters of a totalitarian world. It is the story of Winston Smith, an ordinary man whose job it is to rewrite history for the Party of Oceania, one of the three superstates in the world. The book follows Winston’s life as he tried to rebel against the Party at all costs, in spite of the dangers involved.
A Tale of Two Cities is Charles Dickens’s most famous historical novel.
Set in Paris and London at the time of the French Revolution, this is the story of two men, Frenchman, Charles Darnay, and Englishman, Sydney Carton. As the Revolution takes hold and the Terror begins, the two men’s destinies bring them together in a powerful story of love, hate and revenge. We meet revolutionaries and aristocrats, and see the poverty of many in both London and Paris contrasted with the wealth of a few.
Joyce’s first major work, written when he was only twenty-five, brought his city to the world for the first time.
An ambitious mother, a boy in love, a lonely older man, a cynical intellectual and a girl who dreams of a life in another country are just a few of Joyce’s Dubliners. In these realistic tales, Joyce reveals the hopes, fears and disappointments of his characters. He also shows us turnof- the-century Dublin in fascinating detail. This selection of eight stories from Dubliners includes Eveline, Araby and a two-part adaptation of Joyce’s novella, The Dead.
Ismael, a young sailor, tells this classic American tale of the gigantic white whale and his obsessed hunter, Captain Ahab. Start your journey across the seas in famous whaling town of New Bedford, Massechusetts, and sail to unknown lands on the whaling ship Pequod. Meet Queequeg, the strange cannibal who teaches Ismael what a true friend is; First Mate Starbuck, who shows us the meaning of loyalty and hardwork, and all of the ship’s incredible sailing crew.
Rachel, une passionnée de romans policiers, reçoit un étrange message vidéo…Le premier d’une série qui va l’entraîner dans une folle enquête à travers Paris. Saura-t-elle découvrir l’identité de son mystérieux interlocuteur ?
Ce matin, nous sommes tous arrivés à l’école bien contents, parce qu’on va prendre une photo de la classe qui sera pour nous un souvenir que nous allons chérir toute notre vie, comme nous l’a dit la maîtresse. Elle nous a dit aussi de venir bien propres et bien coiffés.C’est avec plein de brillantine sur la tête que je suis entré dans la cour de récréation…
Deux groupes de jeunes ennemis mènent la “guerre des boutons” en enlevant les boutons de l’adversaire capturé.
« Le fantôme de l’Opéra a existé. Mes recherches dans les documents de l’Académie nationale de musique et mes nombreuses conversations le montrent. Mes visites dans les sous-sols de l’Opéra, ma découverte de son squelette et ma rencontre avec le Persan me permettent de le dire : non, le fantôme n’est pas un mythe ! »
Gaston Leroux nous entraîne dans une histoire pleine de suspense, de mystère et d’amour.
“Une vie”, le premier roman de Maupassants, parle d’une vie moyenne, peu importe laquelle, peu importe qui, juste une vie. L’histoire banale d’une jeune fille qui sort du couvent, trouve l’amour, se marie et découvre les plaisirs sexuels. . . Désormais, les humiliations, les déceptions et les drames marquent la vie de la jeune femme. Une vie qui ressemble à celle de tant de femmes du 19ème siècle.
Six énigmes à lire et à résoudre… Y arriverez-vous?
Le comte Almaviva veut épouser la charmante Rosine qui l’aime et qui vit enfermée chez le vieux docteur Bartholo. Mais Bartholo a décidé de se marier avec Rosine dès demain… Alors, qui va l’emporter, dans cette comédie joyeuse et pleine de mouvement ? Le docteur Bartholo, avec l’aide de l’inquiétant Don Bazile ou le comte Almaviva, grâce au rusé Figaro qui s’est mis à son service ?
Arsène Lupin, l’intrépide gentleman cambrioleur, se lance de nouveaux défis. En quête de précieux joyaux et de chasses au trésor captivantes, il devra réseoudre de redoutables énigmmes et déjouer les pièges de ses plus farouches ennemis, l’inspecteur Ganimard et célèbre détective Herlock Sholmes…
Enfant naturel, Candide mène une existence heureuse dans cet univers idyllique : Le baron et la baronne de Thunder-ten-Tronckh possèdent en effet “le plus beau des châteaux”. Candide est ébloui par la puissance de son oncle, et par les sophismes lénifiants du docteur Pangloss, le précepteur. Il admire également Cunégonde, la fille du baron. Tout bascule le jour des premiers ébats de Candide et de Cunégonde. La réaction du baron est brutale, Candide est banni et chassé de cet Eden. Il se retrouve dans “le vaste monde”.
Philippe a tout ce qu’on pourrait souhaiter pour une vie luxueuse. Mais depuis un accident, il est paralysé jusqu’au cou. Alors qu’il cherche un nouvel infirmier, Driss se présente à lui, en fait, pour obtenir un tampon pour l’agence pour l’emploi. Mais Philippe aime le jeune homme et il l’embauche. Bien que deux mondes complètement différents se rencontrent ici, les deux deviennent rapidement des amis plutôt proches.
La jeune étudiante en art Angélique est amoureuse du docteur Loïc, mais celui-ci est marié à une autre femme. Quand Loïc et sa femme se séparent après une fausse couche, Angélique entrevoit sa chance. Un jour, Angélique attend en vain son amant à l’aéroport pour l’accompagner à Florence. Quand il ne s’est pas montré, elle a essayé de se suicider. Après que Loïc, médecin, l’ait sauvée, le film recommence et raconte l’histoire du point de vue de Loïc, qui est étonnamment différent.
L’histoire tragique d’Emma Bovary, nourrie de nombreux romans passionnés, rêve d’une vie épanouie et passionnée et échoue désespérément aux côtés de son mari médiocre et dans les bras d’amants égoïstes.